December 2017 Newsletter

Returning to Serve the King of Kings in Congo
By Keith Mosier

     With all the exciting developments and opportunities that the Lord has recently laid before us, we are looking forward to returning in early 2018 to our campus at Congo Frontline Missions. It was a disappointment to leave our campus in mid November, but already the rest has refreshed and encouraged our team.
     TRIALS…Tammy & I both had malaria in early August. Nathan and Starla’s little boy Daniel recently struggled with asthma due to dust and mold irritation. The tentative year end Congo elections were delayed until next year, causing temporary instability. Finally, on Nov 1 a single young worker fell off our truck and died instantly.  A group of angry young men incited a mob which broke into one campus home and stole a few items. Then, as Keith and family drove to report the incident to the police, other angry young men incited another mob to threaten the
vehicle with violence.  The Lord protected our whole team through this experience. However, our whole team decided that the combination of events made this a good time for a vacation. Our own family was quite overdue for one anyway, so we all returned to America for a rest.
     Reflecting on the events of this past year, we can understand why Satan would want to derail God’s work at Congo Frontline Missions. Pastor Mtenzi has opened a church planting hub in the rebel infested Bunia area. Many new congregations have been formed as the result of our new church planters there. More evangelism training sessions were conducted in 2017 than any previous year. About 800 precious souls were baptized in 2017 and we had just recently accepted Pastor Mtenzi’s plans to evangelize the entire region around the mouth of the mighty Lomami River. People are so hungry for the Gospel there. Finally, many of our church planters are in training to become full fledged pastors in our field.
Our full size well drilling rig has now arrived on African soil and will soon arrive at our campus along with the 40 foot container of well drilling supplies! This will make well drilling so much easier and provide us with 20 new long lasting hand pumps. So many lives will be touched as we try to drill wells near many of our church planters.
     Nathan just developed a printing facility and Abby Duman was producing booklets of truth and blessing very quickly. Children’s song books and teaching material for Sabbath School are available for the first time. Steps to Christ are being printed in the local language as well as many other books. Our new press on the container will greatly increase our capacity to print. Satan truly trembles as this little light threatens to shed great light throughout this whole area.
     The Lord has opened the way for us to relocate our radio station onto our campus where we can give it the attention it deserves. Our new transmitter from AWR just arrived in August and we plan to construct a new tower and power the operation with solar power for consistent broadcast capacity. Three Angel’s Radio will again be able to spread the gospel to a potential 3.5 million listeners.
     Our new primary school is off to an excellent start and local children are so happy to be able to attend a Christian school. A third of the country is illiterate and when schools are available, Saturday attendance is compulsory. Now scores of children in grades one through three are receiving the blessing of Christian education.
     We can’t forget the new hospital that Doctors Edward and Carolina Perry plan to build in 2018 together with Adventist Health International. Their container of medical equipment has already arrived in Kisangani. Their plans to make their hospital an evangelistic medical facility is truly a blessing. Their commitment to service is inspiring to all of us.
     So, as we make plans to return to work in Congo early next year, please keep us in your prayers. We will be making improvements to our campus security when we return also. Please keep Congo Frontline Missions in mind as you make year end donations.
May the Lord bless each of you for your faithful prayers and gifts.
Thank you,
Keith Mosier

Marching Ahead Against Satan’s Kingdom
by Pastor Msafiri Mtenzi

(An email received this past week from the CFM Compound)
     Greetings from CFM! We are doing very fine. Today am very much excited to see Kayumba preaching at the Huit church. As I was going around CFM to see the security status, I found him in Nathan’s compound practicing preaching. This man is changed! Praise God.
     In special way, I want to thank God for the 2017 work. It has been a big blow to Satan’s kingdom what has been done this year. So far, we have baptized 792 people and 215 are waiting for the baptism. We have opened 14 new areas this year including Nebassa which is the farthest of all our areas. Most of these areas are far and hard to reach. We had a training school for pastors which was very exciting. We have done mobile training schools in Bunia, Kindu, Nebassa, and Isangi. We have revived teachers by visiting them and calling them here to our main campus for continuing education. Now our teachers are aware of the principles of Christian education.
     Another great achievement has been to reach the most dangerous villages of Ituri province. This is the stronghold of notorious rebel groups. With God’s protection my wife and I live in this area. Bibles and tracts were put in the hands of these people and some made decision for baptism. Our Three Angels Radio station reached thousands around Kisangani this past year. Well drilling and medical outreach clinics have made the impact that made the devil tremble as we continue to see God’s work expand in the Congo.
The advent of Mzee Mosier was a big encouragement to our team. The plans for 2018 include reaching the forgotten Lomami river Basin, the coming of a modern hospital under the direction of Dr Eddie and Dr Carolina Perry, a new strong well drilling rig, the publishing ministry and Alvina Rittenour and the ministry of reaching campus women. The kingdom of the devil is being shaken so that the way forward is difficult at times!
     “Not without the most determined opposition was the divine purpose carried out. In every way possible the enemy of truth and righteousness worked to cause the descendants of Abraham to forget their high and holy calling, and to turn aside to the worship of false gods. And often his efforts were all but successful. For centuries preceding Christ's first advent, darkness covered the earth, and gross darkness the people. Satan was throwing his hellish shadow athwart the pathway of men, that he might prevent them from gaining a knowledge of God and of the future world. Multitudes were sitting in the shadow of death. Their only hope was for this gloom to be lifted, that God might be revealed.  PK 687
     Brothers in Christ we should not be discouraged!! Here is another precious quote:
     “Be patient, Christian soldier. Yet a little while, and He that shall come, will come. The night of weary waiting, and watching, and mourning is nearly over. The reward will soon be given; the eternal day will dawn. There is no time to sleep now,-no time to indulge in useless regrets. He who ventures to slumber now will miss precious opportunities of doing good. We are granted the blessed privilege of gathering sheaves in the great harvest; and every soul saved will be an additional star in the crown of Jesus, our adorable Redeemer. Who is eager to lay off the armor, when by pushing the battle a little longer, he will achieve new victories and gather new trophies for eternity?"
The Review and Herald, October 25, 1881.

Exploring New Well Drilling Territory
by Abigail Duman

     For Nathan Rittenour, well drilling is a calling that transcends the ease of convenience.
     Studying two hand-drawn maps etched and dotted with roads, rivers, and church plants, Nathan traces the route with his finger as four men crowd in. “We have questions about the road here,” he explains. “Chiefly, if this road is passable by larger vehicle. This would help us to get the small rig over to these sites.” Stepping back, he turns to his trained helpers. “I will travel up to Isangi tomorrow to assess our options.”
     According to Nathan, there are many churches planted by Congo Frontline Missions without a clean water source. “This route is a needy one,” he refers to a winding road on the map. “If they do exist, shallow, hand-dug wells tend to be contaminated, continuing to contribute to water-related health problems.”
     “When people see that you care enough to meet their physical needs, many are open to having their spiritual needs met,” says Chris Duman, currently training under Nathan in the well-drilling department. Nathan recognizes the role each well-drilling mission plays in ultimately directing people to the gospel message. “Drilling a well on the Adventist church property tends to be evangelistic as the community is drawn to the church site, connecting with local Adventists,” he reports.
    In the morning light, two motorcycles set off on a 120 kilometer journey over sand, mud, and gravel the sprawling village of Isangi on the banks of the Congo river. At one crossing, the steel bridge had twisted and collapsed under a heavily-laden truck, forcing locals to create a makeshift bridge comprised of dugouts, boards, and rope. Nathan stops to inquire about the load capacity as locals assure him that large trucks still pass over the alternate crossing. “So far, I am pleased with the condition of the roads and bridges,” he reaches for his motorcycle helmet. “Let us continue on.”
     Six hours passed before Nathan and his small group reach the banks of Isangi under a broiling sun, guiding their motorcycles and gear up an incline where they meet a bicyclist willing to lead them to the Adventist church.  A local church leader extends a hand to the visitors eagerly, and all settle down under drooping shade trees to discuss clean water in a village where cholera has claimed many victims. The man's eyes shine with hope for the future as he cradles a child in his arms – a future with untainted water, better health, and greater opportunities for evangelism.
     Nathan turns a chunk of red rock in his hand thoughtfully, continuing to ask questions about the soil and other well drilling conditions until he appears satisfied. “We will have to drill a bit in this town to determine how deep this red rock is,” he remarks. “This is a potentially challenging area due to the red rock.”
     The little group finally arrives home to the CFM campus - sunburned and sore from exposure on four river crossings and two motorcycle spills. Nathan feels that the trip was important to chart well drilling territory in upcoming months. “I feel very happy about the trip that we made today,” he reports. “Goals and numbers are difficult to set as much depends on road conditions and weather, but I am hopeful to see 6 more wells dug at Adventist church sites in the upcoming months.”
     Although prospective weeks and months camping in the bush is not an indicator of convenience, it is of commitment. “The road is sufficient, and the route needy with many church plants,” Nathan reviews. “I am excited about well drilling in future days.”

Current Needs

    Training 1 Church Planter - $200
    New Church Building - $1,500
    Bibles - $11 each
    Bicycle for Gospel Worker - $125
    Church Planter Support - $105 per month
    Purchase 4WD truck for Well Drilling and construction- $30,000
    Primary School Support - $4,000
    Printing Books in Local Language - $5000
    Campus Security Upgrade - any amount

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